Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sun Tzu and the Connection to InfoSec

In my research efforts for this weeks discussion question I stumbled across quite an interesting post about Sun Tzu and its relation to the InfoSec world.  The author of the post discusses several of Tzu's quotes, which are hundreds of years old, and how they can be applied to today's technical world.  This was posted to The Security Pub by a fellow InfoSec blogger.

For example, the author made the following connection between a Tzu quote and today's cyber wars.  For more, see the link below.

Quote: Knowledge of the enemy’s disposition can only be obtained from other men. Knowledge of the spirit world is to be obtained by the divination; information in natural science may be sought by inductive reasoning; the laws of the universe can be verified by mathematical calculations; but the dispositions of the enemy are ascertainable through spies and spies alone.
My Thoughts: The cyber equivalent of spies is covert malware like Trojans and rootkits. The popularity of this type of code in spam attachments and on infected websiSun Tzu quotes from The Art of War

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